Friday, May 23, 2014

3 Day Weekend

Spartan Race Memorial Day Exclusive Offer!

Happy Friday!!!

What do you have planned for this beautiful 3 day weekend? I'll be teaching my Saturday evening Zumba class. Stop in if you feel like joining the party! We'll be in North Hollywood at Madilyn Clark Dance Studio at 4:30PM.

Have a safe on wonderful weekend!! Please take the time to remember our fallen service member who sacrificed their lives to make our festivities possible!
Spartan Race Memorial Day Exclusive Offer!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My Personal Story

Spartan Race Memorial Day Exclusive Offer!

I was asked by ACE/ American Council on Exercise to share my personal fitness story. I've decided to share it with you.

I've always been interested in sports, never looked at it as fitness until I was no longer. Since childhood I enjoyed conditioning and challenging my body to that of an athlete, because I was.

Until one tragic night, 10 years ago, when I was a victim of a senseless act of violence. This left me without the use of my left leg. I was told by countless doctors that I would never walk again without the aid of some type of assistance, i.e; cane, walker, crutches, etc...

Needless to say, I was devastated! I was an athlete, that is my gift, my passion! Losing the use of my leg was like a musician losing fingers! The physical, mental and emotional pain grew. The depression grew, the weight added. I never accepted the diagnosis that I would never walk again. However, I didn't see athleticism in my future.

One day, something in me reignited and I wanted ME back. So, I started to try and get back in the gym. I would need a book to tell you about all of the pain and surgeries and reconstruction. All of the emotional healing I have and am still dealing with.

It has been a long and grueling challenge and I am STILL on that journey of recovery. I have made tremendous strides along the way. I am a Zumba Instructor, and ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor and will run my first 5k race in June. I am still very much overweight and I don't let anything stop me!

I am proof that it is never too late or too soon to get fit! NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Echa Pa'lante Travel
Spartan Race Memorial Day Exclusive Offer!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Are you pushing yourself too hard in your workouts?

Of course, our main objective of exercise is to be fit and healthy. What hell, and look damn good, also!

However, are you pushing yourself too hard? Are you placing unrealistic expectations on yourself that can lead to disappointment and discouragement? These are serious questions to think about.

I am an over-weight and "out-of-shape" American Council on Exercise, Group Fitness Instructor and Zumba Instructor. I use quotations because I also participate in JOGGING 5K runs.

My journey towards fitness has been a challenging one. I too, would set huge and unrealistic expectations upon myself, which let me disappointed AND physically injured.

Pushing yourself in your workouts is required. However, keep in mind there is no "race" towards your fitness goals. Slow and steady wins the race. Gradually increase the length and intensity of your workouts over time.

Let's get fit!
Join my party!
Travel with me!
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